Project Camp Rainbow

Camp Rainbow embodies traditional camp activities aimed at enhancing campers' adherence to treatment, medication and nutrition to improve their quality of life while also focussing on providing children with serious fun experiences like team building, life skills, arts, craft, movement, performing arts, and more, all free of charge. Campers have had transformative experiences at Camp Rainbow and it helps them build a positive approach towards themselves and others, develop life altering friendships and become confident leaders. Our Camps are usually Day Camps and Residential Camps, hospital based programs, and camps for in-patient care children with HIV and Cancer, together with their families.
Reach HIV | Cancer | Diabetes | Thalassemia

Our goal is to create positive life experiences for children with illnesses by providing them with a chance to experience a fun-filled programme that promotes their healthy well-being and encourages them to build a positive approach towards themselves and others, all free of charge.

To Provide children and adolescents with the opportunity to participate in Camp Rainbow sessions to expand their knowledge about their illness, rediscover their childhood, restore hope and renew their sense of possibility.

To Provide children in the age group of 10-17, and their families, free access to groceries and other nutrition supplies when they come for Day Camps or follow-up Camps.
Recent Happenings
Get Involved
Appeal for Nutrition Hampers
We have been providing free groceries to several families in Chennai and neighbouring districts since 2021 with the support of well-wishers and philanthropists. However, there is a need for increased support for children and families living with HIV in several other districts of Tamil Nadu. We appeal for your support to adopt one or more of the 300+ families in need of nutrition, from 10 districts of Tamil Nadu; this could be one month or 3 months, 6 months, or all 12 months of grocery supplies.
Appeal for Camp Activities
We serve children and their families through residential camps, day camps and hospital outreach programs. Campers are in the age group of 3-18 years and are from different districts across Tamil Nadu and other states. The camps are supported by volunteers who are specially trained on therapeutic recreation and intentional programming. Camps include a lot of expenses - meals, camper and activity supplies, t.shirts and bandanas, camp venues, local and outstation travel, dormitories, etc.
Volunteers are the backbone of our program. They are the caring and dedicated adults, who create magical moments in the lives of our campers. We plan and structure activities at Camp Rainbow. You can volunteer in a field of your interest, including Arts & Crafts, Music, Dance, Outdoor and Indoor games, Board Games, Yoga, Photography, and more.
For more information, write to