Project Sabrang

The Sabrang Clinic stands as a pioneering effort aimed at providing holistic healthcare services to transindividuals in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. This innovative initiative aims to address the unique healthcare needs of transindividuals who often face challenges and discrimination when seeking medical care. The clinic provides a safe and inclusive environment, free from prejudice and stigmatization, where transindividuals can access a wide range of services. The project activities include supporting enhanced peer outreach to identify gaps in the HIV continuum of care, estimating key population size and distribution to inform quality improvement activities, and implementing and assessing prevention and differentiated ART delivery strategies. The project is guided by evidence-based practices that are aimed at improving the HIV cascade to achieve 95-95-95 targets. Sincere appreciation for the UPSACS officials who were the driving force behind this intervention.
Communities Served

To provide comprehensive health services to the transindividuals and Men who have Sex with Men in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

To provide health and non-health services to transindividuals and Men who have Sex with Men.

To identify the unreached population and link them with essential health and HIV services.

To provide an enabling environment for transindividuals to express themselves freely and provide comprehensive sexual and mental health services.

To improve outcomes along the entire cascade among transindividuals with a focus on key populations to achieve the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets.
Recent Happenings
View allLocations
- Lucknow
- HIV Screening
- STI Screening
- Medical Health Check-ups for STIs and NCDs
- Mental Health and Sexual Health Counselling
- Social Entitlements
- Vaccination
- Laser therapy Services
- Facilitating management of Gender Identity Disorder (GID) and Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS)
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